PyMatting is a Python library to cut out things from an image.
More specifically, PyMatting estimates an alpha matte from an input image and an input trimap.
The trimap is used to specify which subject from the image should be extracted. It consists of three parts:
White, which is 100 % foreground.
Black, which is 100 % background.
Gray, which is either foreground, background or a mix of both. PyMatting fills in the gray area of the trimap to compute the alpha matte.
A warning will be thrown if PyOpenCL or CuPy are not available.
Additional Requirements (for GPU support)
cupy-cuda90>=6.5.0 or similar
Alpha Matting
For an image \(I\) with foreground pixels \(F\) and background \(B\) the alpha matting problem aims to determine opacities \(\alpha\), such that the equality
$$ I = \alpha F +(1-\alpha)B
holds. This problem is inherently ill-posed since for each pixel we have three equations with seven unknown variables. The alpha matte \(\alpha\) determine how much a pixel contributes to the foreground and how much to the background of an image.
After estimating the alpha matte \(\alpha\) the foreground pixels and background pixels can be estimated. We refer to this process as foreground estimation.
To estimate the alpha matte Pymatting implements the following methods: